venerdì 8 aprile 2016

Bologna children's bookfair 2016

Eccomi, alla fine della fiera anche per quest'anno! Stanca ma felice!
E speranzosa, perchè si sa che se ci credi per davvero i sogni si realizzano..prima o poi!

Here we are at the end of the Bologna children's bookfair also this year! I'm tired but very happy, as ever! And full of hope, because if you believe in you, one day, your dreams will come true!

All my work ready to go at the bookfair..

The wall of the book fair with my little Narnia's wardrobe and Tino on the moon!

In one day I met two very important illustrators for me: Isabella Grottmmy fantastic prof with her "Febbraio"(valentina edizioni)!

And Jenni Desmond with her "La balenottera azzurra" (Lapis edizioni)
one of my idol! I really love her work <3

So now it's time to draw and draw again ;)

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